184 books
The World's Best Poetry (Volume 5)
The World's Best Poetry (Volume 1)
The World's Best Poetry (Volume 9); Of Tragedy, of Humor [Introductry Essay] the Old Case of Poetry in a New Court, by F.A. Gummere
The World's Best Poetry (Volume 6); Of Fancy, of Sentiment [Introductory Essay] the Place of Poetry in Life, by C.F. Richardson
The World's Best Poetry (Volume 2); Love Introductory Essay the Future of Poetry, by J.V. Cheney
The World's Best Poetry (Volume 7); Descriptive Narrative [Introductory Essay] What's the Use of Poetry, by R. Le Gallienne
The World's Best Poetry (Volume 3-4)
Daughters of Dawn. a Lyrical Pageant or Series of Historic Scenes for Presentation with Music and Dancing. by Bliss Carman and Mary Perry King
Songs from a Northern Garden. --
Later Poems. with an Appreciation by R.H. Hathaway
By the Aurelian Wall and Other Elegies (1898)
Behind the Arras; A Book of the Unseen. with Designs by T.B. Meteyard
Address to the Graduating Class MCMXI of the Unitrinian School of Personal Harmonizing; Founded by Mary Perry King at Moonshine, Twilight Park, in the Catskills
From the Book of Myths
Ballads and Lyrics
The Vengeance of Noel Brassard; A Tale of the Acadian Expulsion
The Pipes of Pan; From the Book of Myths
April Airs; A Book of New England Lyrics
Pipes of Pan (Volume 1)
Daughters of Dawn; A Lyrical Pageant or Series of Historic Scenes for Presentation with Music and Dancing
The Poetry of Life
Low Tide on Grand Pre; A Book of Lyrics
The Literary World, Volume 11
A Winter Holiday