765 books • 1 series
Laws of the State of New York Volume 59; Passed at the ... Session of the Legislature
Duke's Laws Volume 4
Laws of the State of New York Volume 76; Passed at the ... Session of the Legislature
The State Department Reports of the State of New York Volume 2; Decisions of the Public Service Commissions, Board of Claims, and Education Department Opinions of the Attorney-General Rulings of the Secretary of State, Comptroller, State Engineer, Commiss
Laws of New York Relating to Common Schools with Comments and Instructions and a Digest of Decisions [Microform]
The Greater New York Charter; Constituting Chapter 378 of the Laws of 1897, Also the Supplementary Acts and Constitutional Amendments, with Explanatory Preface
Department Reports of the State of New York Volume . 26
The Greater New York Charter as Enacted in 1897 and Amended in 1901; With Notes Indicating the Derivatory Statutes and References to Judicial Decisions Relating Thereto, Together with Appendixes and the English Colonial Charters
The State Department Reports of the State of New York Volume 16, No. 92
The Real Property Law of the State of New York Being Chapter XLVI of the General Laws (to Take Effect October 1, 1896).; With Full Notes Referrin to the Revised Statutes and Other Laws from Which the ACT Is Derived, and Citations of Cases Applicable Thereunder
The General Municipal Code, Etc., Etc., as Presented by the Revision Commissioners, and Passed by the Legislature of the State of New York, with Amendments; With Complete Sets of Forms and Full Index Following Each Law
Department Reports of the State of New York Volume 21
The City Record Volume 23, PT. 1
Department Reports of the State of New York Volume 1; Containing the Decisions, Opinions and Rulings of the State Departments, Officers, Boards and Commissions
Department Reports of the State of New York Volume 7
Private Laws of the State of New-York
General Statutes
The City Record Volume 17
Laws of the State of New York Volume 1; Comprising the Constitution, and the Acts of the Legislature, Since the Revolution, from the First to the [Twentieth] Session, Inclusive
Laws of the State of New York, in Relation to the Erie and Champlain Canals Volume 1; Together with the Annual Reports of the Canal Commission Ers, and Other Documents Requisite for a Complete Official History of Those Works. Also, Correct Maps Delineatin
Parson's New York Pocket Code, Civil Procedure
The Code of Criminal Procedure of the State of New York as Amended, Including 1892; With Notes of Decisions, a Table of Sources, Complete Set of Forms and a Full Index
Proceedings and Debates of the Constitutional Convention of the State of New York Volume 4
An ACT to Organize the Militia; Passed April 23d, 1823. with Rules and Regulations, Forms and Precedents