55 books • 1 series
A New Catechism, with Dr. Hickes's Thirty Nine Articles (Classic Reprint)
The Defection Consider'd, and the Designs of Those, Who Divided the Friends of the Government, Set in a True Light (Classic Reprint)
An Account of a Manuscript, Entitul'd, Destruction the Certain Consequence of Division, or the Necessity of a Strict Union Between All, Who Love the Present Government and Protestant Religion (Classic Reprint)
The Defection Detected, or Faults Laid on the Right Side
A Defence of the Rights of the Christian Church
Christianity as Old as the Creation, or the Gospel
Christianity as Old as the Creation, or the Gospel, a Republication of the Religion of Nature (Classic Reprint)
New High-Church Turn'd Old Presbyterian
Christianity as Old as the Creation, Vol. 1
Christianity as Old as the Creation Volume 1
A second address to the inhabitants of the two great cities of London and Westminster occasion'd by a second pastoral letter
Christianity as Old as the Creation, or the Gospel a Republication of the Religion of Nature Volume 1
Four Discourses on the Following Subjects; Viz. I. of Obedience to the Supreme Powers, and the Duty of Subjects in All Revolutions. II. of the Laws of Nations, and the Rights of Sovereigns. III. of the Power of the Magistrate, and the Rights of Mankind, in
Christianity as Old as the Creation (Volume 1); Or, the Gospel, a Republication of the Religion of Nature
A Letter to the Reverend the Clergy of Both Universities, Concerning the Trinity and the Athanasian Creed with Reflections on All the Late Hypotheses, Particularly Dr. W'S, Dr. S--Th's, the Trinity Placed in Its Due Light, the 28 Propositions (1694)
A Defence of the Rights of the Christian Church. in Two Parts. Part I. Against Mr. Wotton's Visitation Sermon, Part II. Occasion'd by Two Late Indictments Against a Bookseller and His Servant
The Nation Vindicated, from the Aspersions Cast on It in a Late Pamphlet, Intitled, a Representation of the Present State of Religion, with Regard to the Excessive Growth of Infidelity, as It Pass'd the Lower House of Convocation
A Defence of the Rights of the Christian Church, Against a Late Visitation Sermon, Intitled, the Rights of the Clergy in the Christian Church Asserted; Preach'd ... by W. Wotton,
The Rights of the Christian Church Asserted, Against the Romish, and All Other Priests, Who Claim an Independent Power Over It with a Preface Concerning the Government of the Church of England, as by Law Establish'd Part I the 4ed
Rights of the Christian Church Asserted
The Rights of the Christian Church Asserted, Against the Romish, and All Other Priests Who Claim an Independent Power Over It
An Essay Concerning the Laws of Nations, and the Rights of Soveraigns; With an Account of What Was Said at the Council-Board by the Civilians
An address to the inhabiants [sic] of the two great cities of London and Westminster
The Merciful Judgments of High-Church Triumphant on Offending Clergymen, and Others, in the Reign of Charles I.