144 books • 6 series
President Buchanan's Administration from 1860 to Its Close. Including a Biographical Sketch of the Author [By H. C. King], Eight Letters from Mr. Buchanan [Among Them a Biographical Sketch of Queen Victoria.]
Turning on the Light. a Dispassonate Survey of President Buchanan's Administration from 1860 to Its Close. Including a Biographical Sketch of the Author, Eight Letters from Mr. Buchanan Never Before Published, and Numerous Miscellaneous Articles.
The Republic; Or, a History of the United States of America in the Administrations from the Monarchic Colonial Days to the Present Times.
The Republic; Or, a History of the United States of America in the Administrations from the Monarchic Colonial Days to the Present Times. Volume III.
The Republic; Or, a History of the United States of America in the Administrations from the Monarchic Colonial Days to the Present Times. Volume XIII.
Message of the President of the United States
Comfort in Affliction
Message of the President of the United States Message of the President of the United States
A New Pocket-Book for Young Gentlemen and Ladies
Sketches Of The History, Manners, And Customs Of The North American Indians
The Private Letters of Lieut.-General Scott, and Ex-President Buchanan's Reply
Speech of Mr. Buchanan, of Pennsylvania on the Oregon Question
A Plan of an English Grammar-School Education. with an Introductory Enquiry, ... by James Buchanan
All or Nothing
The Administration on the Eve of the Rebellion; A History of Four Years Before the War
The Essays and Reviews Examined
Mr. Buchanan's Adminstration on the Eve of the Rebellion
On the Tracts for the Times
The Agitation of Slavery. Who Commenced It! and Who Can End End It!! Buchanan and Fillmore Compared from the Record
The Works of James Buchanan; Comprising His Speeches, State Papers, and Private Correspondence Volume 2
The Works of James Buchanan, Comprising His Speeches, State Papers, and Private Correspondence (Volume 1)
The Works of James Buchanan, Comprising His Speeches, State Papers, and Private Correspondence (Volume 4)
The Works of James Buchanan, Comprising His Speeches, State Papers, and Private Correspondence (Volume 10)
The Works of James Buchanan, Comprising His Speeches, State Papers, and Private Correspondence (Volume 8)