349 books • 6 series
Making of the West 4e Va & Sources of the Making of the West 4e V1
The Making of the West 4e Volume B & Sources of the Making of the West, Volume I
Loose-Leaf Version of the Making of the West 4e V2, First and Second Discourses, French Revolution and Human Rights
Making of the West: A Concise Hisotry, V1 3e & Prince
Ways of the World: A Global History with Sources V1 & Herodotus and Sima Qian & Black Death
Making of the West 4e VC & Social Dimension of Western CIV 5e V2 & Sources of the Making of the West 4e V2
The Making of the West, Volume C: Since 1750
Making of the West Concise 3e & Pocket Guide to Writing in History 7e
Making of the West Concise 3e & Sources of the Making of the West 4e V1 & V2
Making of the West 4e V1 & Social Dimension of Western Civilization 5e V1
Making of the West 4e V1 & West in the Wider World V1
Making of the West 4e V2 & West in the Wider World V2
Making of the West 4e V2 & Atlas of Western Civilization
Making of the West 4e V2 & Social Dimension of Western Civilization 5e V2
Making of the West: A Concise History 3e V1 & Sources of the Making of the West 4e V1
Making of the West, Volume I: To 1750
Making of the West Concise 3e V1 & Sources of the Making of the West 3e V1 & Prince
The Making of the West: People and Cultures, Volume C
The Making of the West: Peoples and Cultures, Volume A
The Making of the West: Peoples and Cultures; AP
Ancient Rome
Loose Leaf Version of the Making of the West, Combined Volume
Loose Leaf Version of the Making of the West, Volume 2
Making of the West Concise 3e V2 & Sources of the Making of the West 3e V2 & Candide & Frankenstein