76 books • 14 series
The Dead Man & The Solar Anus
Correspondence – Georges Bataille and Michel Leiris (The Seagull Library of French Literature)
The Limit of the Useful
Essays - Volume 1: 1944-1948
Ma mere de Georges Bataille (fiche de lecture et analyse complete de l'oeuvre)
Historia do olho (Portuguese edition) + Biografia
Fiche de lecture Ma mere (Etude integrale)
Fiche de lecture Ma mere de Georges Bataille (Analyse litteraire de reference et resume complet)
The Poetry of Georges Bataille
The The Sacred Conspiracy
Madame Edwarda
Hegel la muerte y el sacrificio
La Literatura y El Mal
Historia del Ojo
Louis XXX
L'Abbé C
My Mother, Madame Edwarda, The Dead Man
Guilty (SUNY series in Contemporary French Thought)
Correspondence – Georges Bataille and Michel Leiris (The French List - (Seagull titles CHUP))
Discusion Sobre El Pecado
The Cradle of Humanity (Zone Books)
Dark Star
Divine Filth