60 books • 7 series
Gang Membership and Teenage Offending (Edinburgh Study of Crime Research S., #8)
How Can I Ask God for Physical Healing?
Gender and Youth Offending (Edinburgh Study of Crime Research S., #2)
The Links Between Victimization and Offending (Edinburgh Study of Crime Research S., #5)
Parenting and Delinquency at Ages 12 to 15 (Edinburgh Study of Crime Research S., #3)
Godly Sorrow Works
Ethnic Conflict Regulation in the New Europe
The Baltic States (Postcommunist States and Nations)
If the World Were a Village (CitizenKid)
Functional Safety
The Edinburgh Study of Youth Transitions and Crime (Edinburgh Study of Crime Research S., #1)
An Angel, a Miracle or Simply God at Work?
High Ground Wrecks and Relics (Aviation Pocket Guide S., #5)
International Air Band Radio Handbook
Achieving Quality Software
Democracy and Policing
Reliability, Maintainability and Risk
Medway Journey
Britain's Aviation Memorials and Mementoes
Inequality in Northern Ireland
Effectiveness of Anti-Discrimination Legislation
Statistics Workshop
Britain's Military Airfields