35 books • 1 series
The Tour of an Indian Princess
The Tanjore Mahratta Principality
Memoirs of William Hickey, 1782 1790, Vol. 3 (Classic Reprint)
Memoirs of William Hickey, Vol. 2: 1775-1782 (Large Text Classic Reprint)
Memoirs of William Hickey, Vol. 2
Cottage Farming - Scholar's Choice Edition
Notes and Gleanings Relating to the County of Wexford - Scholar's Choice Edition
Memoirs Volume 1 - Scholar's Choice Edition
Memoirs Volume 1 - Primary Source Edition
The Prodigal Rake
The Constitution of the United States of America the Declaration of Independence; The Articles of Confederation ... Electoral Votes for All the Presidents and Vice-Presidents; The High Authorities and Civil Officers of Government, from
Memoirs of William Hickey (1749-[1809]) Volume 2
The Constitution of the United States of America; With an Alphabetical Analysis, the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the P
The Farmer's Manual, by Martin Doyle
Hints Originally Intended for the Small Farmers of the County of Wexford; But Suited to the Circumstances of Most Parts of Ireland
Rural Economy for Cottage Farmers, by Martin Doyle
Common Things of Every-Day Life, by Martin Doyle
Small Farms, a Treatise for Persons Inexperienced in Husbandry, by Martin Doyle
Memoirs Volume 2
Memoirs Volume 3
Memoirs of William Hickey (1749-[1809]) (Volume 2); 17751 782. 7th Ed
The Tanjore Mahratta Principality in Southern India; The Land of the Chola, the Eden of the South
The Village Lesson Book for Girls, by Martin Doyle
The Virgin Widow