1,431 books • 1 series
Fusion Center Challenges
Coping With a Rising Power
Affecting U.S. Policy Toward Latin America
Fifty Feet Above the Wall
Development of the Russian Far East (RFE)
Comparing Rising Powers
New Terrorism in France - Impact of Transnational Salafist Muslim Jihad Recruiting Wayward Youth With a Narrative of Renewed Identity, Social Media Radicalization and Lone Wolf Islamist Attacks
Nationalist Movements and Transnational Jihad
Creating Paths of Change
Putin's Propaganda War
Augmenting Security on Department of Defense Installations to Defeat the Active Shooter Threat - Case Studies of Fort Hood, Washington Navy Yard, and Chattanooga Attacks, More Armed Personnel
United States Earthquake Early Warning System
The Role of Mental Illness Identification and Screening in Firearm Background Checks - Mass Shooting Case Studies of Virginia Tech and Aurora Colorado, Exploring Current Gun Laws, NICS Overview
Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction
Turning on the Dime
Oral Histories of Ballistic Missile Development Pioneers from the NASA Oral History Project - Featuring Simon Ramo, Co-founder of TRW, and General Bernard A. Schriever, USAF Missile Architect
The Force in U.S. Air Force
State Defense Forces (SDF) and Their Role in American Homeland Security - Review of Organized State Militias and Naval Militias, Posse Comitatus, History from Colonial Days to 9/11 and Katrina
The International Criminal Court (ICC)
Security Cooperation
A Kill is A Kill
The Perils of Bipolarity
Prejudicial Counsel