65 books
Non-Interference by Congress with Slavery in the Territories; Speech of Hon. S.A. Douglas, of Illinois, in the Senate, May 15 and 16, 1860
Speech of Hon. S. A. Douglas, of Illinois, on Kansas Territorial Affairs Volume 28
Speech of Hon. S. A. Douglas, of Illinois, in the United States Senate, March 3, 1854; On Nebraska and Kansas
The Spurious Kansas Memorial
Speeches of Senator S.A. Douglas; On the Occasion of His Public Receptions by the Citizens of New Orleans, Philadelphia, and Baltimore
The Dividing Line Between Federal and Local Authority
The Spurious Kansas Memorial; Debate in the Senate of the United States, on the Memorial of James H. Lane, Praying That the Senate Receive and Grant the Prayer of the Memorial Presented by General Cass, and Afterwards Withdrawn Embracing the Speeches of S
Speech of Hon. S.A. Douglas, of Illinois, Against the Admission of Kansas Under the Lecompton Constitution. Delivered in the Senate of the United States, March 22, 1858
State of the Union. Speech of Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, of Illinois, in the Senate, January 3, 1861 Volume 18
Speech of Hon. S. A. Douglas, of Illinois, on the War with Mexico, and the Boundary of the Rio Grande
The Nebraska Question; Comprising Speeches in the United States Senate by Mr. Douglas, Mr. Chase, Mr. Smith, Mr. Everett, Mr. Wade, Mr. Badger, Mr. Seward and Mr. Sumner Together with the History of the Missouri Compromise, Daniel Webster's Memorial in Regard
Political Debates Between Hon. Abraham Lincoln and Hon. Stehen A. Douglas, in the Celebrated Campaign of 1858, in Illinois; Including the Preceedings Speeches of Each, at Chicago, Springfield, Etc; Also, the Two Great Speeches of Mr. Lincoln in Ohio, in 1
Popular Sovereignty in the Territories
Popular Sovereignity in the Territories. Judge Douglas in Reply to Judge Black
Popular Sovereignty in the Territories. the Dividing Line Between Federal and Local Authority
Non-Interference by Congress with Slavery in the Territories
The Nebraska Question, Comprising Speeches in the United States Senate by Mr. Douglas [and Others]
Non-Interference by Congress with Slavery in the Territories. Speech of Senator Douglas, of Illinois, Delivered in the Senate of the United States, May 15 & 16, 1860
Speech of Hon. Stephen A. Douglas on the Measures of Adjustment, Delivered in the City Hall, Chicago, October 23, 1850
The First Lincoln and Douglas Debate. at Ottawa, Ill., Aug. 21, 1858
The Dividing Line Between Federal and Local Authority; Popular Sovereignty in the Territories
Autobiography of Stephen A. Douglas
The Writings of Abraham Lincoln Volume 01
A Brief Treatise Upon Constitutional and Party Questions, and the History of Political Parties, as I Received It Orally from the Late Senator Stephen A. Douglas