8 books
The Principles of Drawing
The Dance of Death; From the Original Designs of Hans Holbein, Illus. with 33 Plates
Navivm Variae Figurae Et Formae a Wenceslao Hollar in Diuersis Locis Ad Uiuum de Linealae & Aquaforti Aeri Insculptae, a 1647 (1647)
Mores Hominum = the Manners of Men / Described in Sixteen Satyrs by Juvenal, as He Is Published in His Most Authentick Copy, Lately Printed by Command of the King of France (1660)
Theatrv Mvliervm, Sive, Varietas Atq. Differentia Habituum Foeminei Sexus Diuersorum Europae Nationum Hodierno Tempore Vulgo in Vsu a Wenceslao Hollar, Etc. (1640)
The Life, Diary, and Correspondence of Sir William Dugdale ...
Hollar's England
The Four Seasons