20 books • 1 series
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Animals
From So Simple A Beginning
The Robot Zoo
The Natural History of Evolution
Enciclopedia Animales 2 - Aves
Enciclopedia Ilustrada de Los Animales - Tomo 3 Reptiles, Anfibiois, Peces
Enciclopedia Animales 1 - Mamiferos
Gollancz Dinosaur Encyclopaedia for Children
Scholastic's Children's Guide to Dinosaurs
Whitfield Philip : Why Did the Dinosauars Disappear?
Marshall Editions : Strange/Amazing World:Oceans
Whitfield Phillip : What is A Volcano?
Our Mysterious Planet
Marshall Editions : What is A Jungle?
Whitfield Phillip : Why Do Our Bodies Stop Growing?
Whitfield & Pope : Why Do the Seasons Change?
Why Do the Seasons Change?
Biology of Parasites (Contemporary Biology S.)
The Hunters