Marta Zarrella is an award-winning, best-selling author of fiction and nonfiction with over twelve years of writing for various outlets, miscellaneous non-profit organizations and small businesses. In 2007 the Z family home was destroyed in a Southern California wildfire. She processed her thoughts about loss and change in her first published award-winning novel, A Tangeled Web: Rejecting Technology's Assault on Mother Nature. The novel is a dystopia that examines a future world where water use is restricted so much that animals and ornamental planting are against the law. THe novel earned a number of awards including the most exciting Runner Up Young Adult Fiction in both the Pacific Rim and Australian Book Festivals. Zarrella now helps others tell their stories through her Indie Publishing Company, MPZ Books. The company provides developmental editing, writing, coaching and creative design services.
Feb 1, 2018
Cover of All about Water

All about Water