19 books • 6 series
Four Corners: Year 6 Reader Set
Four Corners: Rock Records (FOUR CORNERS)
Catching the Sun
La Fiesta de los Vaqueros (Scott Foresman Reading: Orange Level)
The Moon Cheese (Scott Foresman Reading: Red Level)
Juan Bobo... - Pbk (Legends of the world)
Clever Karlis - Pbk (Legends of the world)
La Zarigueya y El Gran Creador-Pbk (New) (Leyendas del Mundo)
Juan Bobo y El Bacallo de Siete Colores (Leyendas del Mundo)
Clever Karlis (Legends of the world)
The Bird Maiden (Legends of the world)
Juan Bobo y el Caballo de Siete Colores
Juan Bobo and the Horse of Seven Colors (Legends of the world)
New Mexico, Land of Enchantment Alphabet Book
Zariguerya y El Gran Creador de Fuego (Leyendas del Mundo)
A Oppossum and the Great Firemaker (Legends of the world)
Opossum and the Great Firemaker (Legends of the world)
Gift of the Nile (Legends of the world) (Legends of the World S.)