47 books • 15 series
Serious Pursuits
A Victorian Portrait
Victorian Things (Sutton History Classics)
Collected Essays
The Franchise Affair
Wine for Sale!
The Collected Essays of Asa Briggs
Toynbee Hall (Routledge Revivals) (Routledge Revivals)
A Social History of England (Pelican S.) (Penguin history)
The Power of Steam
Governing the B. B. C.
Iron Bridge to Crystal Palace
The History of Broadcasting in the United Kingdom: Volume IV: Sound and Vision (History of Broadcasting)
Communications and Culture, 1823-1973
Cap and Bell
Victorian People (Pelican S.)
How They Lived
Victorian Cities (Pelican S.)
William Cobbett (Clarendon Biographies S.)
Saxons, Normans and Victorians
The Age of Improvement, 1783-1867 (A History of England) (Silver Library) (History of English)
Chartist Studies (Papermacs S.)