3,120 books
Effects of subtitle B of S. 1766 to the Public Utility Holding Company Act
Immigration policy
Nominations of Robert H. Roswell, M.D., to be Under Secretary for Health, Department of Veterans Affairs and Daniel L. Cooper, to be the Under Secretary for Veterans Benefits, Department of Veterans Affairs
Tobacco's deadly secret
Bay Mills Indian Community Land Claims Settlement Act
Confirmation hearing on nominations of Robert D. McCallum, Jr. to be Associate Attorney General and Peter D. Keisler to be Assistant Attorney General, Civil Division
The Microsoft settlement
How mergers in the nation's agricultural industry impact consumers
The Unaccompanied Alien Child Protection Act
Treatment, education, and prevention
U.S.-Colombia policy
Critical skills for national security and the Homeland Security Federal Workforce Act, S. 1800
Confirmation hearing on the nomination of R. Hewitt Pate to be Assistant Attorney General, Antitrust Division, Department of Justice
Native American sacred places
Under the influence
The state of public health preparedness for terrorism involving weapons of mass destruction
The fall of Enron
Successful implementation of Title I
Ageism in the health care system
Examining the effects and consequences of an emerging China
Pending benefits legislation
Cargo containers
Nominations of Hon. Clark Kent Ervin, Janet Hale, and Linda M. Springer
Marketing violent motion picture products to children