54 books
A Law Grammar, or Rudiments of the Law
The General Laws of Estates; Or, Freeholder's Companion Containing the Laws, Statutes, and Customs Relating to Freehold and Other Estates in Which Is Compriz'd the Whole Law of Tenures of Lands with a Full and Compleat Abstract of the New Act of Parliament Con
The Accomplish'd Conveyancer (Volume 2); Containing the Nature and Kinds of Deeds and Instruments Used in Conveyancing and an Abridgment of the Law Relating to All Sorts of Conveyances of Estates
The Law-Dictionary (Volume 3); Defining and Interpreting the Terms or Words of Art and Comprising Copious Information on the Subjects of Law, Trade, and Government
The Law-Dictionary (Volume 4); Explaining the Rise, Progress, and Present State, of the English Law. Explaining the Rise, Progress, and Present State, of the English Law Defining and Interpreting the Terms or Words of Art and Comprising Copious Informatio
City Liberties; Or, the Rights and Privileges of Freemen. Being a Concise Abridgment of All the Laws, Charters, By-Laws, and Customs of London, Down to This Time Very Useful to All Citizens and Other Inhabitants of the City of London
City-Liberties; Or, the Rights and Privileges of Freemen of London [Ed. by G. Jacob].
The Accomplish'd Conveyancer (Volume 3); Containing the Nature and Kinds of Deeds and Instruments Used in Conveyancing and an Abridgment of the Law Relating to All Sorts of Conveyances of Estates
The Law-Dictionary (Volume 1); Explaining the Rise, Progress, and Present State, of the English Law. Defining and Interpreting the Terms or Words of Art and Comprising Copious Information on the Subjects of Law, Trade, and Government
The Accomplish'd Conveyancer (Volume 1); Containing the Nature and Kinds of Deeds and Instruments Used in Conveyancing and an Abridgment of the Law Relating to All Sorts of Conveyances of Estates
A New Law Dictionary Containing the Interpretation and Definition of Words and Terms Used in the Law, and Also the Whole Law Etc
The compleat parish-officer; containing I. The authority and proceedings of High Constables, ... IV. Of surveyors of the highways, ... Together with the statutes relating to hackney coaches and chairs, ... The seventh edition corrected
The compleat parish-officer
The compleat parish-officer; containing I. The authority and proceedings of high-constables, ... II. Of churchwardens; ... III. Of overseers of the poor, ... IV. Of surveyors of the highways ... Ed 2
The Clerk's Remembrancer. Containing All Sorts of Small and Useful Precedents
The Laws of Taxation. Being, a Concise Treatise of All the Acts of Parliament Now in Force, Relating to the Taxes of England, Wherein Are Set Forth, the Power and Authority of the Senate in Levying of Taxes
Tractus de Hermaphrodites Or, a Treatise of Hermaphrodites
Memoirs of the Life of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq; Late, One of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State. with a Particular Account of His Writings
Essays, Relating to the Conduct of Life
The Mirrour
The Compleat Sportsman. in Three Parts. Part I. Containing the Nature and Various Kinds of Game, ... Part III. of Fish and Fishing;
The Statute-Law Common-Plac'd
Lex Mercatoria
The Complete Court-Keeper