63 books • 1 series
Flora of West Virginia Volume Fieldiana. Botany Series V. 1, No. 2
Flora of the Island of St. Croix Volume Fieldiana Botany V.1, No.7
Plantae Yucatanae. (Regionis Antillanae)
The Living Flora of West Virginia
American Medicinal Plants; An and Descriptive Guide to the American Plants Used as Homopathic Remedies
Contribution [I]-Iii to the Coastal and Plain Flora of Yucatan, Parts 1-3
Plantae Yucatanae. (Regionis Antillanae) Plants of the Insular, Coastal and Plain Regions of the Peninsula of Yucatan, Mexico (Fieldiana. Botany
Contribution [I]-III to the Coastal and Plain Flora of Yucatan (Fieldiana. Botany Series V. 1, #1)
American Medicinal Plants (V.1);
American Medicinal Plants (V.2);
Plantae Utowanae. Plants Collected in Bermuda, Porto Rico, St. Thomas, Culebras, Santo Domingo, Jamaica, Cuba, the Caymans, Cozumel, Yucatan
Flora of West Virginia (Fieldiana. Botany Series V. 1, #2)
Flora of Santa Catalina Island (California) (Volume 5 Field Museum Publication 212)
Part I. the Living Flora of West Virginia
Flora of the Sand Keys of Florida, by Charles Frederick Millspaugh