59 books
The Oraibi Soyal Ceremony Volume Fieldiana, Anthropology, V. 3, No.1
The Mishongnovi Ceremonies of the Snake and Antelope Fraternities Volume Fieldiana, Anthropology, V. 3, No.3
The Cheyenne
Traditions of the Skidi Pawnee
Archæological Investigations on the Island of La Plata, Ecuador
The Arapaho Sun Dance (Fieldiana, Anthropology, V. 4); The Ceremony of the Offerings Lodge
The Mishongnovi Ceremonies of the Snake and Antelope Fraternities (Fieldiana, Anthropology, V. 3, No.3)
Traditions of the Arikara
Traditions of the Arapaho
Traditions of the Caddo
The Pawnee Mythology