606 books • 21 series
Little Pierre
Histoire comique
Opinions Sociales (Anatole France (G-PH Ballin Publication))
Honey-Bee 1911
Mother Of Pearl (1908)
My Friend's Book (1913)
The Seven Wives Of Bluebeard And Other Marvelous Tales (1920)
Thais (1911)
Child Life in Town and Country (Dodo Press)
The Red Lily, Volume 1 (Dodo Press)
The Red Lily, Volume 3 (Dodo Press)
The Red Lily, Volume 2 (Dodo Press)
The Aspirations of Jean Servien (Dodo Press)
A Mummer's Tale (Dodo Press)
The Red Lily (Dodo Press)
Penguin Island (Dodo Press)
The Life of Joan of Arc - Volume I(Dodo Press)
Thais (Dodo Press)
The Life of Joan of Arc - Volume II(Dodo Press)
The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard (Dodo Press)
The Queen Pedauque (Dodo Press)
The Well of Saint Clare (Dodo Press)
The Revolt of the Angels - Anatole France