383 books • 35 series
Matthew Arnold (1822–88) was an English poet, critic and cultural commentator best remembered today for his poem ‘Dover Beach’. He was also a school inspector, and an early proponent for state schools and access to education.
A French Eton; Or, Middle Class Education and the State, to Which Is Added Schools and Universities in France, Being Part of a Volume on Schools and Universities on the Continent Published in 1868
Alaric at Rome, and Other Poems
The Popular Education of France
On the Study of Celtic Literature; And on Translating Homer / By Matthew Arnold
The Scholar Gipsy & Thyrsis
Selections from the Prose Writings of Matthew Arnold
Essays in Criticism. the Study of Poetry. John Keats; Wordsworth. Edited by Susan S. Sheridan
The Works of Matthew Arnold Volume 2
The Works of Matthew Arnold, Volume 4
Selected Poems of William Wordsworth, with Matthew Arnold's Essay on Wordsworth
The Poetical Works of Matthew Arnold. Complete Ed., with Biographical Introduction
Essays in Criticism; Third Series
The Strayed Reveller; And Other Poems
Tristram And Iseult
The Great Prophecy of Lsrael's Restoration
Select Poems of Matthew Arnold
St. Paul and Protestantism, with Other Essays
St. Paul and Protestantism, with an Essay on Puritanism and the Church of England, and Last Essays on Church and Religion
Isaiah of Jerusalem in the Authorized English Version
Letters, 1848-1888; Collected and Arranged by George W.E. Russell
The Great Prophecy of Israel's Restoration; Isaiah, Chapters 40-66; Arranged and Edited for Young Learners
The Works of Matthew Arnold Volume 1
Letters of Matthew Arnold, 1848-1888 (Volume 1)
The Great Prophecy of Israel's Restoration