52 books
History of the First Presbyterian Church and Addresses Delivered at the Celebration of the Thirty-Fifth Anniversary of the Pastorate of the Reverend George L. Kalb Volume 4
The Practical Cook; A Collection of Tested Recipes
A Brief History of the First Presbyterian Church of Baltimore
A Brief Account of the Origin and Progress of the Divisions in the First Presbyterian Church in the City of Troy; Containing, Also, Strictures Upon the New Doctrines Broached by the REV. C.G. Finney and N.S.S. Beman, with a Summary Relation of the Trial O
A Memorial of the Semi-Centennial Celebration of the Founding of the Sunday School of the First Presbyterian Church, Utica, N. Y.
Centennial Celebration of the First Presbyterian Church of Genoa, Kings Ferry, N.Y.
Hand-Book of the First Presbyterian Church
Proceedings of the Centennial Anniversary of the First Presbyterian Church, Troy, N.Y.; December 30 and 31, 1891
Exercises at the Bi-Centennial Celebration of the First Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia; Sabbath Morning, November 13, to Friday Evening, November 18, 1898
Jubilee Services, June 24-27, 1883; An Account of the Celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Organization of the First Presbyterian Church of Chicago
Church Jubilee Memorial Year Book; Issued by Order of the Church Session
Session Record
First Presbyterian Church Fort Wayne, Indiana Trustees Record
Origin and Annals of "the Old South," First Presbyterian Church and Parish, in Newburyport, Mass., 1746-1896
Centennial Celebration of the Dedication of the First Presbyterian Church, Newark, N.J.; January Fourth and Fifth, 1891
Some Reminiscences of a Twenty Years' Ministry in Princeton, N.J.
History and Directory of the First Presbyterian Church, Corner of Adler and Tenth Streets, Portland, Oregon
Centennial History of the First Presbyterian Church of Easton, Pennsylvania
History of the First Presbyterian Church of Bellefontaine, Ohio, and Addresses Delivered at the Celebration of the Thirty-Fifth Anniversary of the Pastorate of the Reverend George L. Kalb, D.D
The Centennial Anniversary of the First Presbyterian Church of Knoxville, Tennessee
Centennial History of the First Presbyterian Church of Easton, Pennsylvania; 1811-1911
The Services in Celebration of the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Founding of the Old First Presbyterian Church in the City of New York; In
Memorial of the First Presbyterian Church, Wilmington, N. C. Seventy-Fifth Anniversary. 1817-1892
History of the First Presbyterian Church of Bellefontaine, Ohio, and Addresses Delivered at the Celebration of the Thirty-Fifth Anniversary of