46 books • 9 series
Gender, Colonialism and the Political Experience of Education
Gender, Colonialism and Education (Woburn Education)
Gender, Politics and the Experience of Education (Woburn Education)
Joined-up Governance
Jane Martin (Contemporary Playwrights, II)
Cats in Love
Women and the Politics of Schooling in Victorian and Edwardian England (Women, Power & Politics S.)
Mr. Bundy
Essentials of Marketing
Scarlett Saves Her Family
Living with Flowers
Managing Resources for School Improvement (Educational Management)
Collected Plays, 1980-95
The Schoolhome
Jane Martin: Collected Plays, 1980-1995
Funny Cats
Funny Dogs
Spanish (Piccolo Learn Together S.)
Design Patents
Raven's Dyke
The Harbinger
Mairi's Wedding