21 books • 1 series
Memoranda and Letters on Bechuanaland
The Works of John Hookham Frere
Letters from an Uitlander
Speech of His Excellency the Right Honorable Sir Bartle Frere, Bart;, Etc;, Etc;, Etc;, Governor of the Cape of Good Hope, and H. M. High Commissioner for South Africa; And of Others
Old Deccan Days or Hindoo Fairy Legends
Afghanistan and South Africa - Scholar's Choice Edition
The Speeches and Addresses of Sir H.B.E. Frere, G.C.S.I., K.C.B., D.C.L
Speech of his excellency the Right Honorable Sir Bartle Frere
Afghanistan and South Africa; A Letter to the Right Hon. W.E. Gladstone M.P., Regarding Portions of His Midlothian Speeches
The Works of the Right Honourable John Hookham Frere
Interview Between H.M. High Commissioner, Sir Bartle Frere and the Deputation from the Boer Committee, at the Burgher Camp, April, 1879. with Memorial to the Queen, and Despatch of Sir Bartle Frere Forwarding the Same. Also "Chapter from the History of
On the Impending Bengal Famine; How It Will Be Met and How to Prevent Future Famines in India a Lecture Delivered Before the Society of Arts, Dec. 12,
Eastern Africa as a Field for Missionary Labour; Four Letters to His Grace, the Archbishop of Canterbury
Eastern Fairy Legends Current in Southern India
Indian Missions
The Works of John Hookham Frere in Verse and Prose, Now First Collected with a Prefatory Memoir by His Nephews W. E. and Sir Bartle Frere Volume 1
Eastern Africa as a Field for Missionary Labour.
Pandurang Hàrì Or, Memoirs of a Hindoo
The Works of the Right Honourable John Hookham Frere in Verse and Prose...
Christianity Suited to All Forms of Civilization
Afghanistan and South Africa (Primary Sources, Historical Collections)