76 books • 1 series
The Happiness of the Blessed Considered as to the Particulars of Their State; Their Recognition of Each Other in That State and Its Difference of Dggrees. to Which Is Added, Musings on the Church and Her Services
The Gospel Miracles; In a Series of Poetical Sketches with Illustrative Conversations
The Happiness of the Blessed; Considered as to the Particulars of Their State, Their Recognition of Each Other in That State, and Its Difference of Degrees. to Which Are Added, Musings on the Church and Her Services
The Book of Psalms in an English Metrical Version; Founded on the Basis of the Authorized Bible Translation, and Compared with the Original Hebrew; With Notes Critical and Illustrative
The Book of Psalms in an English Metrical Version, with Notes, by R.Mant
History of the Church of Ireland Volume 1
The Holy Bible
Horae Liturgicae; Containing, I. Liturgical Discrepancy Its Extent, Evil, and Remedy in 2 Letters II. Liturgical Harmony Its Obligations, Means and Security Against Error Whether Popish or Puritanical in a Charge
Horae Ecclesiasticae; The Position of the Church with Regard to Romish Error, Considered in a Charge Delivered in July, 1845
The Book of Daily Family Prayer; A Selection of Prayers for Every Morning and Evening in the Week, from the Book of Common Prayer, Prepared for the Use of Families, Especially in the Diocese of Down and Connor, by R. Mant
Sermons, for Parochial and Domestic Use, Designed to Illustrate and Enforce, in a Connected View, the Most Important Articles of Christian Faith and Practice
An Explanation of the Rubrics in the Book of Common Prayer; With Special Reference to Uniformity in Conducting the Service
The Church and Her Ministrations; Discourses
Biographical Notices of the Apostles, Evangelists, and Other Saints; With Reflexions and Collects Adapted to the Minor Festivals of the United Church of England and Ireland
An Appeal to the Gospel or an Inquiry Into the Justice of the Charge That the Gospel Is Not Preached by the National Clergy; A Series of Discourses Delivered Before the University of Oxford, 1812, at the Lecture Founded by J. Bampton
The Happiness of the Blessed, Considered as to the Particulars of Their State; Their Recognition of Each Other in That State and Its Difference of Degrees. to Which Are Added, Musings [In Verse] on the Church and Her Services
The Clergyman's Obligations Considered; With Particular Reference to the Ordination Vow
History of the Church of Ireland
Feriae Anniversariae; Observance of the Church's Holy-Days No Symptom of Popery Shown from Testimonies of Her Most Approved Children, in Continuance 1547-1800
The Laws of the Church, the Churchman's Guard Against Romanism and Puritanism, in 2 Charges, Addressed to His Clergy, in June and July, 1842, by the Lord Bishop of Down and Connor, and Dromore
Two Tracts, Intended to Convey Correct Notions of Regeneration and Conversion, According to the Sense of Holy Scripture, and of the Church of England
Church Architecture Considered, in Relation to the Mind of the Church Since and Before the Reformation; In 2 Addresses, to the Down and Connor and Dromore Church Architecture Society, by the Lord Bishop of the Diocese. in 2 Addresses, to the Down and Conn
Religio Quotidiana; Daily Prayer the Law of God's Church, and Heretofore the Practice of Churchmen. to Which Is Prefixed a Pastoral Letter. Daily Prayer the Law of God's Church, and Heretofore the Practice of Churchmen. to Which Is Prefixed a Pastoral Lett
The Book of Psalms, in an English Metrical Version