249 books
Mechanical Drawing Instruction Paper (Classic Reprint)
N. Y. Air-Brake Pumps; N. Y. Triple Valves and Brake Valves; N. Y. Air-Brake Troubles; Train Operation; N. Y. Foundation Brake Gear; N. Y. Air Signal and High-Speed Brake (Classic Reprint)
A Treatise on Architecture and Building Construction, 1899, Vol. 5
A Treatise on Prospecting: Blowpiping, Mineralogy, Assaying, Geology, Prospecting, Placer and Hydraulic Mining (Classic Reprint)
Building Superintendence and Contracts
A Treatise on Architecture and Building Construction, Prepared for Students of the International Correspondence Schools, Vol. 8 (Classic Reprint)
The Cotton Textile Worker's Handbook: A Convenient Reference Book for All Persons Interested in the Spinning of Cotton Yarns, the Weaving of Cotton Fabrics, and the Yarn and Cloth Calculations Incidental Thereto (Classic Reprint)
A Treatise on Coal Mining, Vol. 6
A Treatise on Chemistry and Chemical Analysis, Vol. 5: Prepared for Students of the International Correspondence Schools, Scranton, Pa.; Quantitative Analysis, With Practical Questions and Examples (Classic Reprint)
Loads in Structures; Properties of Sections; Materials of Structural Engineering; Beams and Girders; Columns and Struts; Details of Construction; Graphical Analysis of Stresses (Classic Reprint)
Instruction Paper (Classic Reprint)
Electricity and Magnetism; Theory of Direct-Current Generators and Motors; Direct-Current Generators; Direct-Current Motors; Resistance Measurements; Direct-Current Measuring Instruments; Alternating Currents; Alternators; Transformers; Etc
Solicitors Handbook for the Use of the Field Representatives of the International Correspondence Schools of Scranton, Pa (Classic Reprint)
Horse Judging (Classic Reprint)
Samples of the Work in Drawing of the Students of the International Correspondence Schools Scranton, Pa (Classic Reprint)
A Textbook on Ornamental Design
A Textbook on Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 4
Carbureters; Electric Ignition Devices; Automobile and Marine Engine Auxilaries; Power-Gas Producers; Management of Automobile Engines; Management of Marine Gas Engines; Management of Stationary Gas Engines; Troubles and Remedies; Power Determinations
Design of Direct-Current Machines
Shop and Foundry Practice, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint)
Arithmetic, Mensuration and Use of Letters in Formulas, Principles of Mechanics, Machine Elements, Mechanics of Fluids, Strength of Materials, Elements of Electricity and Magnetism, Heat and Steam (Classic Reprint)
A Treatise on Coal Mining, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint)
A Treatise on Refrigerating and Ice-Making Machinery, Vol. 4
What We Teach, Who Should Enroll, and Reasons Why (Classic Reprint)