40 books • 20 series
William Blackstone and Commentaries on the Laws of England (Words That Inspired the Founding Fathers)
Humanitarian Relief and Lending a Hand (The United Nations)
The Un Security Council and the Center of Power (The United Nations)
Germany (Major European Union Nations)
Belgium (Major European Union Nations)
Steroids: Pumped Up and Dangerous (Illicit and Misused Drugs)
Painkillers: Prescription Dependency (Illicit and Misused Drugs)
Sedatives & Hypnotics: Deadly Downers (Illicit and Misused Drugs)
Addiction in America: Society, Psychology, and Heredity (Illicit and Misused Drugs)
Natural and Everyday Drugs: A False Sense of Security (Illicit and Misused Drugs)
Recreational Ritalin: The Not-So-Smart Drug (Illicit and Misused Drugs)
Alcohol Addiction: Not Worth the Buzz (Illicit and Misused Drugs)
Addiction Treatment: Escaping the Trap (Illicit and Misused Drugs)
Ireland (Major European Nations) (Major European Union Nations)
Nigeria (The Evolution of Africa's Major Nations)
Natural Everday Drugs (Illicit and Misused Drugs)
Illicit and Misused Drugs (18 Titles) (Illicit and Misused Drugs (Mason Crest))
France (Countries of the World Set 1) (Countries of the World (Gareth Stevens))
Nutrition and You (Nutrition: A Global View, #5)
Youth with Cultural/language Differences (Helping Youth with Mental, Physical, and Social Challenges)
Addiction Treatment (Illicit and Misused Drugs)
Alcohol Addiction (Illicit and Misused Drugs)
Youth with Cancer (Helping Youth with Mental, Physical, and Social Challenges)
Addiction in America (Illicit and Misused Drugs)