116 books • 18 series
I'm a Monkey
The Littlest Rabbit
Pinchpenny Mouse
How Spider Saved Halloween (Windmill Paperback)
Owliver (Viking Kestrel picture books) (Picture Puffin S.)
Herman the Helper (Treehouse paperbacks)
Daddy Long Ears
Ludwig the Dog Who Snored Symphonies
Junior the Spoiled Cat (Windmill Paperbacks)
Milton the Early Riser (Windmill Paperback) (Stories to Go!)
The Tail Who Wagged the Dog
Leo the Late Bloomer (Windmill Paperbacks)
Bunya the Witch (Windmill Paperbacks) (Little Simon)
How Spider Saved Christmas (Windmill Paperback)
Whose Mouse Are You? (Aladdin Books)
Guided Reading Programme
Rumple Nose-Dimple and the Three Horrible Snaps
Bunny's Nutshell Library
Trouble with Spider
Ladybug, Ladybug! (Windmill Paperback)