David Clifford is recognised as one of the world’s leading authorities on ISO/IEC 20000. He is a regular speaker at international events managed by organisations such as the itSMF and EXIN. David is the author of the itSMF International endorsed publication, Implementing ISO/IEC 20000 – the roadmap.

He assisted the itSMF in establishing their certification scheme for ISO/IEC 20000, now owned by APMG International, including auditing the auditors on their behalf. He has also been the prime consultant supporting the initiation and development of the EXIN service management qualification programme aligned with ISO/IEC 20000.

His knowledge, experience and contribution to the service management industry have been formally recognised by the award of the highest credential of ‘Fellow’ within itSMFI’s The priSM Institute®.  David is also the global vice-president for priSM®.

David has worked in the arena of business, IT applications and ITSM, supporting multi-billion dollar initiatives on a global scale.

He is an Executive Consultant at enterprise-DNA Limited, a global consultancy and training company.