1,735 books • 75 series
A History of New York(Laminated Hardback with Jacket)
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Other Stories(Laminated Hardback with Jacket)
For the Blood Is the Life and Other Creepy Classics, Volume 2
Whimsical Halloween
Rip Van Winkle (Esprios Classics)
Tales of a Traveller (Esprios Classics)
Legend of Sleepy Hollow (Esprios Classics)
The Alhambra (Esprios Classics)
The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow(Illustrated)
Life of George Washington - Part Two
La Leyenda de Sleepy Hollow Y Rip Van Winkle (Clásicos Ilustrados)
Tale of Sleepy Hollow
Washington Irving: Selected Writings
The Knickerbocker
Life of George Washington; In Five Volumes
Irving Vignettes
Captain Bonneville
Sämmtliche Werke
RIP VAN WINKLE And Other Writings
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Other Stories (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket) (Annotated)
Candle Game
Astoria oder Geschichte einer Handelsexpedition jenseits der Rocky Mountains
La vie du prophete Mahomet (570-632)