Terry Phillips has worked in ELT for more than 40 years as a teacher, teacher trainer, manager, language school owner, author and ELT consultant.

As an author, he has been a freelance writer with his wife Anna for the last 20 years, producing more than 180 published books in ELT, including many works for English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and English for Academic Purposes (EAP), including the multi-level EAP course, Progressive Skills in English.

Terry's books are taught in a large number of universities and language centres in the UK and around the world, and the original EAP course, Skills in English, was highly commended in The Duke of Edinburgh's English Speaking Union (ESU) Award for 2004, and the English for Specific Academic Purposes (ESAP) series which Terry produced the syllabus for and series-edited, won the ESU award in 2009.

A significant feature of all Terry's work in EAP has been the recognition that complexity in academic English is very different from complexity in general English. This recognition has led Terry to develop materials within coursebooks to teach the syntax of English as well as the tense forms. EAP Grammar in Context brings together the results of years of research and work on suitable activities in this area.

Terry holds an MA in Applied Linguistics from the University of Reading, UK, and a Diploma in Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Adults (now DELTA) from the Royal Society of Arts, London.