94 books • 4 series
The Poems of Master Francois Villon of Paris, Now First Done Into English Verse in the Original Forms
The Poems of Master Francois Villon of Paris, Now First Done Into English Verse in the Original Forms with a Biographical and Critical
The Poems of Francois Villon. Translated by H. de Vere Stacpoole
Les Deux Testaments de Villon
Le Jargon
Francois Villon
Ask the Wolf
Poesia - Francois Villon
Baladas de un Poeta Maldito (Clasicos de Bolsillo, #75)
The Legacy & the Testament
Francois Villon's the Legacy & the Testament
Obra Poetica
Ballades En Argot Homosexuel
The Poems of François Villon
Selected Poems
Poesies (Garnier-Flammarion)
Poesies Completes
Legacy, the Testament and Other Poems
Complete Poems
Little Testament and Ballads