Stanley Scott was born in Ely, and grew up in the West Fen where his father had a dairy farm. His maternal grandmother had been lady-in-waiting to Lady Leicester at Holkham Hall, and lived with Stanley, his parents and four siblings when he was a boy. He was a chorister at Ely Cathedral, following in his brothers' footsteps, and rose to the heights of Head Chorister, singing on until the age of fifteen and a half, when his voice broke. One of the most vivid memories of this time is of his fire-watching duties, which necessitated sleeping in the Lady Chapel and going up on to the top of the Octagon to man the telephone when enemy planes were about. One moonlit night, he and a fellow fire watcher climbed out on to the apex of the Nave roof, where they sat admiring the view. He lives to tell the tale!Being interested in both electricity and water, he started work in the electrical industry, -at a time when supply companies were eager to promote their product. He later put these skills to good use on becoming involved in the construction and day to day running of Grafham Water, where he remained until he retired.Since then, he has had several other interests, including making houses and shops for his oo gauge model railway town, illuminating the buildings and making the trains do things they were probably never expected to!At the age of ninety-three, he invested in a chrome book and began writing 'The Old Gatehouse', in which some of the storylines are based on real-life happenings, though with a totally fictitious cast.He is currently engaged on a sequel to 'The Old Gatehouse', and is author of 'The Adventures of Hayley' - six stories for children.