14 books • 4 series
The Criminal Classes
Penal Servitude (States, People, and the History of Social Change)
Criminal Children
Criminal Women, 1850-1920
Young Criminal Lives: Life Courses and Life Chances from 1850 (Clarendon Studies in Criminology)
Crime, Regulation and Control During the Blitz (History of Crime, Deviance and Punishment)
Crime in England 1880-1945 (History of Crime in the UK and Ireland)
Policing the Factory (History of Crime, Deviance and Punishment)
Crime Justice 1750-1950
Crime in England 1880-1945: The Rough and the Criminal, the Policed and the Incarcerated (History of Crime in the UK and Ireland)
Serious Offenders (Clarendon Studies in Criminology)
The Rough
Crime and Justice 1750-1950
Crime and Justice Since 1750