(1663-1728) The leading New England theologian of his period, Mather was both a defender of Reformed orthodoxy and an intellectual innovator, who propagated the Pietist renewal of Protestantism and embraced ideas of the Early Enlightenment. Best known for his Magnalia Christi Americana (1702), he published more than 400 works in various fields including church history, natural theology, and medicine.
Feb 22, 2012
Cover of Durable Riches

Durable Riches

Feb 22, 2012
Cover of Hades Look'd Into

Hades Look'd Into

Feb 22, 2012
Cover of Christodulus


Feb 22, 2012
Cover of Hor-Hagidgad


Feb 22, 2012
Cover of Tela Praevisa

Tela Praevisa

Feb 22, 2012
Cover of Edulcorator


Feb 22, 2012
Cover of Ecclesia Monilia

Ecclesia Monilia

Feb 22, 2012
Cover of Pillars of Salt

Pillars of Salt