255 books • 1 series
A History of Columbia University 1754-1904; Published in Commemoration of the One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Founding of King's
An Historical Sketch of Columbia College in the City of New York 1754-1876
Catalogue of the Governors, Trustees, and Officers, and of the Alumni and Other Graduates, Columbia College (Originally King's College) in the
Statements, Opinions and Testimony Taken by the Committee of Inquiry Appointed by the Trustees of Columbia College
Charters, Acts and Official Documents Together with the Lease and Re-Lease by Trinity Church of a Portion of the King's Farm
Annual Report of President Low to the Trustees 1889/90-1900/01 (1895)
Catalogue of the University of Vermont and State Agricultural College
Annual Reports of the President and Treasurer to the Trustees
The University of Nevada Catalogue 1921-1922
Eighth Annual Report of President Low to the Trustees
Sixth Annual Reports of President Low to the Trustees
Ninth Annual Report of President Low to the Trustees
Addresses of the Newly-Appointed Professors of Columbia College
Annual Report of President Low to the Trustees 1889/90-1900/01
Tenth Annual Reports of President Low to the Trustees