37 books
Xenophntos Oikonomikos
Pro Publio Sestio Oratio Ad Iudices
Foliorum Silvula; With Notes
Foliorum Silvula (PT.2); With Notes
Foliorum silvula, part the third; being select passages for translation into Greek verse
Foliorum Silvula, Part the First; Being Passages for Translation Into Latin Elegiae and Heroic Verse
Foliorum Silvula, Part the Second; Being Select Passages for Translation Into Latin Lyric and Iambic Verse
The Oeconomicus of Xenophon
Life of Themistocles
Ploutarchou Nikias
Foliorum Silvula, Part the Second; Being Select Passages for Translation Into Latin Lyric and Iambic
Folia Silvulae
Life of Pericles