William Makepeace Thackeray (1811-1863) was a multitalented writer and illustrator born in British India. He studied at Trinity College, Cambridge, where some of his earliest writings appeared in university periodicals. As a young adult he encountered various financial issues including the failure of two newspapers. It wasn't until his marriage in 1836 that he found direction in both his life and career. Thackeray regularly contributed to Fraser's Magazine, where he debuted a serialized version of one of his most popular novels, The Luck of Barry Lyndon. He spent his decades-long career writing novels, satirical sketches and art criticism.

Oct 31, 2015
Cover of Works, Volume 17

Works, Volume 17

Oct 22, 2015
Cover of Dennis Duval

Dennis Duval

Oct 17, 2015
Cover of [Works] Volume 06

[Works] Volume 06