63 books • 1 series
Norroena (Volume 7); Embracing the History and Romance of Northern Europe
Norroena (Volume 9); Embracing the History and Romance of Northern Europe
Norroena (Volume 2); Embracing the History and Romance of Northern Europe
Norroena (Volume 15); Embracing the History and Romance of Northern Europe
Norroena (Volume 8); Embracing the History and Romance of Northern Europe
The Nine Books of the Danish History of Saxo Grammaticus...
The Volsunga Saga, Volume 10
The First Chapter of Norwegian Immigration, (1821-1840) Its Causes and Results. with an Introduction on the Services Rendered by the
Nordisk Mythologi
The Arthurian Tales
Life Story
An Historical Sketch of the Discovery of America by the Norsemen in the Tenth Centcry.
A Historical Sketch of the Discovery of America by the Norsemen,
Norse Mythology
The Heimskringla (Heimskringla, #1)