405 books • 60 series
Cyclops (Greek Texts) (Loeb Classical Library *CONTINS TO [email protected]) (BCP Classic Commentaries on Greek and Latin Texts) (Clarendon Paperbacks) (The Greek Tragedy in New Translations) (Loeb Classical Library, #12)
Orestes (Classic Greek Drama) (Clarendon Paperbacks) (Wave Crest Classics S.) (Griechische Dramen) (The Greek Tragedy in New Translations) (Absolute Classics)
Euripides: Helen, The Trojan Women, The Bacchae (Translations from Greek and Roman Authors)
Children of Heracles. Hippolytus. Andromache. Hecuba (Loeb Classical Library, #484) (Loeb Classical Library *CONTINS TO [email protected]) (The Greek Tragedy in New Translations)
Die Bittflehenden Mutter - Der Wahnsinn Des Herakles - Die Troerinnen - Elektra (Sammlung Tusculum)
Andromache (Plays of Euripides) (Classical Texts) (The Greek Tragedy in New Translations)