2,044 books • 226 series
Joseph Rudyard Kipling was an English novelist, short-story writer, poet, and journalist. He was born in British India, which inspired much of his work.
Jungle Book 1
The Jungle Books (Illustrated)
Les batisseurs de ponts
El Carrito Fantasma
El Cuento Mas Hermoso del Mundo
Los Hermanos de Mowgli
Sea Warfare An Articles
The Writings In Prose and Verse of Rudyard Kipling Volume XI Verses 1889-1896
Stories and poems from Rudyard Kipling (Illustrated)
Prophetic Verse
With the Night Mail - A Story of 2000 A.D.
The War in the Mountains
With the Night Mail A Story of 2000 A.D. (Together with Extracts from the Contemporary Magazine in which it Appeared)
Le Chat maltais
Kipling: The Cambridge Manuscript
The Second Victorian Mystery Megapack
Rewards and Fairies. with Illus. by Frank Craig - Scholar's Choice Edition
Departmental Ditties - Scholar's Choice Edition
The New Army in Training - Scholar's Choice Edition
The Drums of the Fore and Aft - Scholar's Choice Edition
Q. Horati Flacci Carminum Librum Quintum - Scholar's Choice Edition
Life's Handicap Being Stories of Mine Own People - Scholar's Choice Edition
Collected Verse of Rudyard Kipling - Scholar's Choice Edition