53 books • 3 series
The Old Order Changeth; A View of American Democracy
Boys Then and Now
The Real Issue; A Book of Kansas Stories
Short Stories of America
The Old Order Changeth
God's Puppets
The Real Issue (Dodo Press)
In Our Town(Dodo Press)
The Real Issue: A Book of Kansas Stories (Classic Reprint)
Rhymes by Two Friends
God's Puppets (1916)
The Court of Boyville(Dodo Press)
A Certain Rich Man (Dodo Press)
The Martial Adventures of Henry and Me (Dodo Press)
In the Heart of a Fool
In Our Town
Stratagems and Spoils
Masks in a Pageant
Calvin Coolidge the Man Is President
Woodrow Wilson - The Man, His Times And His Task
The Court of Boyville
The Martial Adventures of Henry and Me
Woodrow Wilson (1929)
Poetry of William Allen White