186 books
An English Garner
The Surrey & Wyatt Anthology, 1509-1547
Bulletin Volume 12, No. 4
The Goldsmith Anthology, 1745-1774
An English Garner; Ingatherings from Our History and Literature
The Dunbar Anthology. 1401-1508 A.D
A List, Based on the Registers of the Stationers' Company, of 837 London Publishers (Who Were by Trade Printers, Engravers, Booksellers, Bookbinders, &C., &C.) Between 1553 and 1640 A. D. Being a Master Key to English Bibliography During A...
The Story of the Pilgrim Fathers, 1606-1623 A. D; As Told by Themselves, Their Friends, and Their Enemies Volume Pp. 1-866
British Anthologies Volume N . 3
The English Scholar's Library of Old and Modern Works Volume 7-10
English Garner; Ingatherings from Our History & Literature Volume 1
The Last Fight of 'The Revenge' at Sea Under the Command of Vice-Admiral Sir Richard Grenville on the 10-11th of September 1591; Described by Sir Walter Raleigh, November 1591, Gervase Markham, 1595, and Jan Huygen Van Linschoten in Dutch, 1596; English,
An Introductory Sketch to the Martin Marprelate Controversy Volume 8; 1588-1590
The Return from Parnassus; Or, the Scourge of Simony
British Anthologies Volume N . 8
The History of Reynard the Fox Volume 1
The Cowper Anthology
Selections from the English Poets
The Dryden Anthology, 1675-1700 A. D.
The Revelation to the Monk of Evesham, 1196
British Anthologies Volume N . 9
The Milton Anthology; 1638-1674 A. D.