63 books • 2 series
A Guide to the Church (Classic Reprint)
Eight Discourses on the Connection Between the Old and New Testament Considered as Two Parts of the Same Divine Revelation
An Appendix to the Guide to the Church
Journal of a Tour Through the United States, and in Canada
Catalogue of the Philosophical Apparatus, Minerals, Geological Specimens, &C. In the Possession of Dr. Daubeny, Praelector of Natural Philosophy in Magdalen College: And Now Deposited in the Building Contiguous to the Botanic Gardens, Belonging to That So
A Description of Active and Extinct Volcanos: With Remarks on Their Origin, Their Chemical Phenomena, and the Character of Their Products, as Determined by the Condition of the Earth During the Period of Their Formation (Large Text Classic Reprint)
Vindiciæ Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ
An Introduction to the Atomic Theory (Classic Reprint)
A Respectful Examination of the Judgment Delivered Dec; 11, 1809, by the Right Hon. Sir J. Nicholl, Knt;, L. L. D., Official Principal of the Arches Court of Canterbury
An Introduction to the Atomic Theory - Primary Source Edition
Fugitive Poems Connected with Natural History and Physical Science - Primary Source Edition
Eight discourses on the connection between the Old and New Testament and demonstrative of the great doctrine
A Vindication of the Character of the Pious and Learned Bishop Bull
Essays, Scientific and Literary
A Description of Active and Extinct Volcanos; With Remarks on Their Origin, Their Chemical Phaenomena, and the Character of Their Products, as Determined by the Condition of the Earth During the Period of Their Formation. Being the
Experimental and Geological Memoirs
Catalogue of the Philosophical Apparatus, Minerals, Geological Specimens, & C. in the Possession of Dr. Daubeny; Praelector of Natural Philosophy in M
Journal of a Tour Through the United States, and in Canada, Made During the Years 1837-38 Volume 3, No. 149
Discourses on Several Subjects, Addressed to the Congregation Assembled in Christ Church, Bath
A Guide to the Church Volume 1
Essay on the Trees and Shrubs of the Ancients; Being the Substance of Four Lectures Delivered Before the University of Oxford, Intended to Be Supplementary to Those on Roman Husbandry, Already Published
On the Nature, Progress, and Consequences of Schism
Vindiciae Ecclesiae Anglicanae; In Which Some of the False Reasonings, Incorrect Statements, and Palpable Misrepresentations, in a Publication Entitled, the True Churchmen Ascertained, by John Overton, A.B., Are Pointed Out
A Description of Active and Extinct Volcanos, of Earthquakes, and of Thermal Springs; With Remarks on the Causes of These Phaenomena, the Character of Their Respective Products, and Their Influence on the Past and Present Condition of the Globe