267 books
The Life and Times of William IV. Including a View of Social Life and Manners During His Reign (Volume 1)
Samuel Foote, a Biography
Recreations of a Literary Man (Volume 1); Or, Does Writing Pay?
Recreations of a Literary Man (Volume 2); Or, Does Writing Pay?
The Middle-Aged Lover (Volume 2); A Story
Chronicles of Bow Street Police-Office (Volume 1); With an Account of the Magistrates, "Runners," and Police; And a Selection of the Most
Bozland; Dickens' Places and People
A Famous Forgery; Being the Story of "The Unfortunate" Doctor Dodd
The Lives of the Sheridans (Volume 2)
The Story of the Incumbered Estates Court
Polly; A Village Portrait
The Life and Times of William Iv.
The Life of Laurence Sterne (Volume 2)
The Complete Works and Life of Laurence Sterne, Volume 1
Recreations of a Literary Man; Or, Does Writing Pay?
Kings and Queens of an Hour
The Life of Mrs. Catherine Clive
The Life of Laurence Sterne (Volume 12)
Recreations of a Literary Man
Shakespearean Representation
Life and Adventures of Alexander Dumas; Volume 1
The Life of Laurence Sterne Volume 1
Life of James Boswell (of Auchinleck)
The Garrick Club