18 books • 7 series
Averil Cameron is the former Warden of Keble College Oxford and an authority on late antiquity and Byzantium.
Byzantine Christianity
Arguing it out (Natalie Zemon Davis Annual Lecture, #8)
Dialog Und Debatte in Der Spatantike
Dialoguing in Late Antiquity (Hellenic Studies) (Hellenic Studies (HUP))
Byzantine Matters
Keble - Past and Present
The Byzantines (The Peoples of Europe, #2)
Mundo Mediterraneo En La Antiguedad Tardia, El. 365-600
Life of Constantine
Changing Cultures in Early Byzantium (Variorum Collected Studies, CS 536)
Procopius and the Sixth Century
The Mediterranean World in Late Antiquity (The Routledge History of the Ancient World)
The Later Roman Empire
The Mediterranean World in Late Antiquity Ad 395-600 (The Routledge History of the Ancient World)
Christianity and the Rhetoric of Empire (Sather Classical Lectures, #55)
History as Text