672 books • 15 series
Poems and Ballads of Heinrich Heine
A Romance in Song; Heine's Lyrical Interlude
Heinrich Heines Samtliche Werke Volume 5
Wit, Wisdom, and Pathos, from the Prose of Heine; With a Few Pieces from the Book of Songs.
Wit, Wisdom, and Pathos, from the Prose of Heinrich Heine
Ausgew hlte Gedichte
Selections from Heine's Poems
Poteische Werke Von H. Heine, Dritter Band
Heinrich Heine's Sämmtliche Werke, Volume 20
Heinrich Heines Samtliche Werke.
Reisebilder Von Heinrich Heine, Fuenfte Auflage
Heinrich Heine's Sammtliche Werke, Funfzehnter Band. Rechtmassige Original-Ausgabe.
The Salon
Heinrich Heine's Sammtliche Werke, Siebenter Band.
Heinrich Heine's Sammtliche Werke, Sechster Band, Funfte Auflage
Poems of Heinrich Heine; Three Hundred and Twenty-Five Poems
Heinrich Heine's Sammtliche Werke, Neunzehnter Band.
Heine on Shakespeare; A Translation of His Notes on Shakespeare Heroines
Heine in Art and Letters
Heinrich Heine's Memoirs, from His Works, Letters, and Conversations; Ed. by Gustav Karpeles. English Translation by Gilbert Cannan
Gedichte Von H. Heine.Romanzero, Dritter Band
The Book of Songs, Tr. by Stratheir
Samtliche Werke, Volume 8