Kamen Nevenkin was born and lives in Sofia, Bulgaria. His interest in the Second World War dates back to his early childhood, but it was only in the year 2000 when he decided to turn professional. In the years that followed he devoted himself to hard work, mastering languages, studying and collecting a wealth of archival materials. The latter included several onsite visits of the military archives in Freiburg, Germany. The first result of all these efforts was a reference book dedicated to late-war German Panzer divisions, 'Fire Brigades'. The book received excellent reviews all over the world and became an instant hit with fans of military history. Over the past couple of years, Kamen Nevenkin has focused his research exclusively on the battles on the Eastern Front in 1944-1945. Despite the narrowing of the focus of his research, he remains faithful to the principles he had followed while writing 'Fire Brigades', namely - working with archival documents, ignoring the myths imposed on the public for decades and adopting a bias-free approach to the themes he is researching. In his work, he is guided by the principle of the balanced approach and by his belief that since there are two sides in a battle, the viewpoints of both opponents should be made known to the public. His language skills include English, Russian, German, as well as some other East European languages.