663 books • 75 series
Selected Poems of William Wordsworth, with Matthew Arnold's Essay on Wordsworth
Intimations of Immorality from Recollections of Early Childhood and Other Poems
Select Poems
Selections from Wordsworth, with a Brief Sketch of His Life.
Lyrical Ballads - With Pastoral And Other Poems, In Two Volumes - Vol. I
Lyrical Ballads, With Other Poems - In Two Volumes - Vol. II
The Church Of Thibet, And The Historical Analogies Of Buddhism And Christianity. A Lecture Delivered Before The Students' Literary And Scientific Society, In The Framji Cowasji Institution, Bombay.
The Miscellaneous Poems of William Wordsworth
The White Doe of Rylstone; Or the Fate of the Nortons. a Poem.
Works of William Wordsworth IV 1801-1805
The Complete Poetical Works of William Wordsworth, Late Poet Laureate
The Poems (Volume 2)
The Ecclesiastical Sonnets of William Wordsworth; A Critical Edition
A Complete Guide to the Lakes, Comprising Minute Directions for the Tourist, with Mr. Wordsworth's Description of the Scenery of the Country, &c. and Three Letters Upon the Geology of the Lake District, by Prof. Sedgwick
With Wordsworth in England
The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth. Vol. V
Letters of the Wordsworth Family from 1787 to 1855 (Volume 2)
Wordworth's Literary Criticism
The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth; With a Memoir
The Complete Poetical Works of William Wordsworth, Volume 2
Selections from Byron, Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats and Browning;
The Earlier Poems of William Wordsworth
Poetry of the Sea
The Complete Poetical Works of William Wordsworth (Volume 7)