113 books • 1 series
An address to the people of England
A General Plan for Laying Out Towns and Townships, on the New-Acquired Lands in the East Indies, America, or Elsewhere; In Order to Promote Cultivation,
The Claims of the People of England.
A declaration of the people's natural right to a share in the legislature; which is the fundamental principle of the British constitution of state. By Granville Sharp.
A Short Introduction to Vocal Music. by Granville Sharp. the Second Edition.
An Appendix to the Representation, (Printed in the Year 1769, ) of the Injustice and Dangerous Tendency of Tolerating Slavery, or of Admitting the Least Claim of Private Property in the Persons of Men in England. by Granville Sharp
A Tract on the Law of Nature, and Principles of Action in Man. by Granville Sharp.
Remarks Concerning the Encroachments on the River Thames Near Durham-Yard. ... in Two Parts.
The claims of the people of England. ... Third edition.
The Law of Passive Obedience, or Christian Submission to Personal Injuries
Tracts, Concerning the Ancient and Only True Legal Means of National Defence, by a Free Militia. ...
The Law of Liberty, Or, Royal Law, by Which All Mankind Will Certainly Be Judged! ... by Granville Sharp
The Claims of the People of England. ... Fourth Edition.
Remarks on the Uses of the Definitive Article in the Greek Text of the New Testament; Containing Many new Proofs of the Divinity of Christ, From Passages, Which are Wrongly Translated in the Common English Version. By Granville Sharp,
The Just Limitation of Slavery in the Laws of God, Compared with the Unbounded Claims of the African Traders and British American Slaveholders. by Granville Sharp. with a Copious Appendix
The Law of Retribution; Or, a Serious Warning to Great Britain and Her Colonies, Founded on Unquestionable Examples of God's Temporal Vengeance Against Tyrants, Slave-Holders, and Oppressors. ... by Granville Sharp.
A Tract on Duelling
Remarks on Several Very Important Prophecies. in Five Parts. ... by Granville Sharp.
A Short Sketch of Temporary Regulations (Until Better Shall Be Proposed) for the Intended Settlement on the Grain Coast of Africa, Near Sierra Leona. the Second Edition
A Short Introduction to Vocal Musick.
Extract of a Letter to a Gentleman in Maryland; Wherein Is Demonstrated the Extreme Wickedness of Tolerating the Slave Trade.
The Just Limitation of Slavery in the Laws of God; Compared with the Unbounded Claims of the African Traders and British American Slaveholders
Remarks on Several Very Important Prophecies; In Five Parts. I. Remarks on the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, and Sixteenth Verses of the
The Law of Retribution; Or, a Serious Warning to Great Britain and Her Colonies, Founded on Unquestionable Examples of God's Temporal Vengeance